The Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors is located in Downtown Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, on the shores of Punamu’kwati’jk, Mi’kmaq Territory.

The garden can be found on the eastern end of Ferry Terminal Park, near Prince Street, which is a short walk from Alderney Landing ferry terminal and easily accessible by bus.

If you are planning a visit, or have visited, we would appreciate it if you also joined our Facebook Page to leave a message for us and all survivors.

The Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors, the first cancer survivors garden in Atlantic Canada, is a special place for all those touched by cancer to visit with friends and family.

Judie and Jim Edgar, two cancer survivors, had a dream to create a cancer survivors garden in Nova Scotia. Both know that receiving a cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. Having experienced the emotional journey involved in fighting this disease, the Edgars wanted to create a special space for the community as a meeting place for rejuvenation, inspiration, and education for all those touched by cancer.

A “cancer survivor” is not only the person diagnosed with the disease, but their family, friends, coworkers, caregivers, and clinical staff; they too walk the road cancer forces us to take.

The Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors encourages both a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle. By strolling through the garden on a barrier free path, reading positive quotes throughout the garden, taking in the sight of the waterfront, as well as seeing the garden’s artistic feature representing recovery, the Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors is a place for all those touched by this disease to find peace.

Garden Features

The daffodil is a resilient flower. It starts as a bulb thriving through the cold winter months to emerge in the spring as a beautiful yellow flower. The daffodil is a symbol of hope, and for that reason is the focus of the garden.

After the spring-blooming daffodils are finished in the daffodil garden, the annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees continue to showcase colours, shapes and textures through all seasons. Fountain grass, hostas, cranesbill, day lilies, and lavender all bloom at different times of the year for continuous colour.

30,000 daffodil bulbs have been planted in the first two years of the Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors being opened, with 6,000 planted in late 2020 and over 13,000 in and around the garden in 2021.

Ivan Higgins of Concrete Creations in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, was commissioned to create the original piece of art located in the center of the garden. In his work, he reflects that cancer does not discriminate by age with three figures representing childhood, adulthood, and the senior population. Each is a survivor, and each is connected by cancer.

The two pathways in the garden — “Path to Recovery” and “Positive Attitude Way” — form the shape of one ribbon, representing cancer awareness. The pathways are not tinted in any colour associated with a specific type of cancer. The pathways are barrier-free for mobility access.

The beautiful yellow daffodil benches were custom designed for the Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors by Outside! Landscape Architects.

Motivational messages have been etched into the backs of each bench and chair; not only do you read these words, but you are engulfed in them when you sit down. Dr. Katharina Keiser, Oncologist, was a consulting member on selecting the messages.

The daffodils etched into each seat are to pay homage to the Canadian Cancer Society. Each pair of chairs are turned towards each other to encourage conversation.


Visit the Garden

The Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors is located on the eastern edge of Ferry Terminal Park, between Alderney Landing and Kings Wharf, and is open from 5am to 10pm every day of the week.

The garden is located at 100 Alderney Drive, an accessible location on the waterfront, with public transit and hourly parking options nearby.

Sponsors & Supporters


Special Thanks

  • Neville MacKay
  • Gloria McCluskey
  • Angie McAuley
  • Gary Young
  • Dr. Katharina Keiser
  • Matt Eisener & family
  • Tim, Sophie, and Ella Halman
  • Truefaux Films
  • Sam Austin
  • Tim Rissesco
  • Rollie Leyte & family
  • Bill Barter & family and friends
  • Nice Modern Websites

Corporate Sponsors

© 2024-2025 Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors